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Om Shuklambharadharam Vishnum Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam Prasanna vadanam dhyaayet Sarva vighnopa shantaye



A solar eclipse occurs when the moon stands between the Sun and the Earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. A solar eclipse is always a new moon and in astrology tends to mark new beginnings.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the moon. A lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually marks endings or culmination points. They bring up memories, dreams, and emotions, so they often pack a big punch.

An eclipse of the Sun will more likely focus you on a prominent male in your life. An eclipse of the moon will center more on the prominent women in your life.

Eclipses are dramatic "wild cards" in our horoscopes that we don't see coming. They shake us up so that we can move from one level of maturity to another, very rapidly. If we have become complacent or took someone or something for granted, chances are that we won't after an eclipse is over and has delivered its message. An eclipse will always give you precisely what you need to advance and evolve. They look for weak links in all circumstances and instantly and urgently bring information so that you can decide what you want to do.

Eclipses work from the outside in,an outside event that has nothing to do with you, and over which you have no control, will often act in a way that affects your life in a powerful, direct, and lasting way. The outside force can be a small, casual event or comment - it need not be a big - but yet it can have monumental influence on our life anyway.

Eclipses bring news of big life events that you long remember.Often at eclipse time, we are very aware of the passage of time, and that can make us a bit wistful even when the news is very happy.

Eclipses often change the status of a situation. While an eclipse will always seek out the weak link in a situation to expose it to you, they are just as capable of helping you in a positive way.

Keep your eye on your health at eclipse time especially emotional health during lunar eclipse.
You may feel like you are walking across a bridge to a new land at eclipse time.The ancients always wrote that if you act under an eclipse, especially a full moon eclipse (lunar), the plan would not work out quite the way you expected. It's better to consider the ideas of others at eclipse time but not to make proposals or announce decisions of your own at that time. Instead, bide your time and act a few weeks later when there will be less cosmic dust in the air and things are more settled. You'll have more information after an eclipse has spoken too, another reason to wait.

Here is the rule: it is better to listen and not react impulsively.
If you want to have a major talk over grievances you have been harboring, do so weeks before the date of the eclipse or else table your talk for a few weeks later, when the atmosphere won't be highly charged. When you act at eclipse time, you may be surprised at the outcome - things could backfire or create an effect that you had not anticipated.

Eclipses will always play with our sense of time and change it by compressing it and speeding things up. They bring events to bear today, ones that you assumed would happen months or years into the future.
Indeed, timetables often change dramatically under eclipses.

Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction, but only if you have the Sun, moon, a planet, or other major point in your natal chart being touched by it.

The universe seems to know that we can't handle too much radical change at once. Instead, the eclipses will give us time to digest the changes before they heap more on us. Subsequent eclipses will help us move forward, step by step. Additional information will not come until the next eclipse, and by then you will be ready for it.

If you observe events triggered by eclipses, you will be humbled to see how effective they are in their mission to bring truth to bear and to help us live more productively, ethically, and with integrity.

Eclipses are especially effective in revealing someone's character or true motivations. After you discover what you do, you can better protect yourself. Still, this can be very disconcerting and upsetting. Remember, in this case, the eclipse would be trying to help you.

A situation may end at eclipse time because you have already learned a great deal from that situation, or because the situation is outworn, dysfunctional, or in some way no longer capable of being nurturing and supportive to you.Often we wonder why something had to end the way it did, but it is not for us to ask. Everything has its own lifecycle. Focus on the future, not the past. After you have given yourself time to heal and adjust, be eager to find out what comes next.

Keep this rule in mind: The universe will not abide an empty space. Whenever a vacuum is created, the universe rushes to fill it. Have faith in yourself.

Eclipses make us acknowledge that something has changed.At eclipse time, we realize that we can't control everything in life. Accepting of situations can be very painful, but is a part of the life experience. If you should feel very upset or sad, trust in the kindness and wisdom of those around you. Spend time and talk with those who care for you. Eclipses help us to evolve and to become more mature, seasoned, reflective, and philosophical.Eclipses shine the bright light of truth to the part of your chart that is touched by the eclipse. Most of the time, eclipses act as brilliant illuminators, revealing a condition or proclivity that has existed that you had ignored, denied, or never noticed before.

Eclipses also have a way of changing perspective. It will be as though a puzzle piece suddenly fell from the sky, right into your hands. Once you add this piece to your puzzle, the whole complexion of the situation will change. Suddenly a mystery will be resolved, and you will say to yourself, "Now I understand!" Now that you have a full picture of the situation, you will know what you need to do next. You are no longer in the dark. That's exactly what an eclipse accomplishes.

The Power of NOW

For many women, all of their mental energy goes into burying their feelings so far down they don’t even know they have them. They spend their lives pleasing others, seeking the approval of everyone.

We are in hiding. We don’t know who we are,—have to learn how to be honest about our own feelings.

Typically, the problem involves always saying “yes” when often you mean “no.” And the resolution typically comes down to giving yourself permission to feel angry—and finding the courage to say what’s on your mind without fear.

Until this happens, it’s not possible to have a healthy relationship. Hurt feelings are inevitable in relationships, bound to arise in a fast-paced world of imperfect communication between people.

The trick is speaking them. That requires expressing ANGER appropriately—one of the great challenges of being a grownup. More often people hold their feelings in, and, at some minor irritation, explode out of proportion.

It’s not an overnight process. You have to learn to set limits with others. And to move the sources of approval inward, from outward.

It comes from having hard-to-please people who set high standards. When we grow up we carry the critical people around in our head. We become the critical ones. We are, for example, forever discounting compliments. And we maintain a low self-image by selectively focusing on negative input from those around us.”

For starters, we have to begin to think of anger as a constructive emotion. It’s a signal that your feelings are hurt and you must move into conflict resolution.

Here is how we should be expressing anger appropriately:

Examine whether your current anger or resentment or hurt feelings are the tip of a much larger iceberg. How long have you had such feelings?

Learn to be brave. Don’t make blaming statements. Conflict resolution begins with the understanding that Truth is Relative. So much depends on one’s perspective, and none of us has a lock on the whole picture of anything. Nevertheless, most people start with saying the most destructive question: "I am right and you are wrong." I am perfect and you are-not".Two people spend time trying to convince the other of the rightness of his or her own position. But in fact, most disagreements are based on interpretations that come directly from private experiences in life, not some verifiable Truth.

The best way to resolve conflict is to listen to the other party. Most people just want to be heard; it is a basic form of validation. And often the solution suggests itself from what is spoken.

Allow the-other person to express his or her grievances. This is a good thing, because otherwise these feelings build walls between people.

Take responsibility for your part in creating problems. Ask yourself: How did my actions and the things I’ve said to create this situation or crisis?

It’s the final step that people most commonly fall short on—accepting responsibility for making things better. “You need to seek out what will make the situation better in the future so this situation doesn’t arise again,”. You need to tell the other person, ‘this is what I need from you now to make things better.’ You need to take responsibility for what will fix it Now.
